The Collective

I was four months postpartum; the visitors had stopped, Craig had gone back to work, all of my friends were working full time…and suddenly I was a stay at home Mom without a handbook, no HR rep to go and vent to, no quarterly performance review to help guide me to becoming a better employee. Just Mom.

I fell lonely really quick. Alone in all this newness. Realizing that I had never really been alone before. Sure, I have had my fair share of classes at the school of hard knocks, but never had I been stopped in my tracks. I slowly started to realize, that there are folks out there who are living in this alone feeling daily. That’s when the dream started to sink in.

The Collective is simply an offering. Something that I can freely give to others to help them in whatever way they are searching for. Whether that be mindful connection, time for themselves, laughter, a hug, for finding that person to help them through the aloneness that life can give us from time to time.

The Collective is donation based. We like to remind all that a donation is simply something you can give. It can break the monetary box and stretch into an act of labor, a gifting of services or kraft, it can simply be a generous word. There’s always room for you in our Community.

As events become available, they can be found and signed up for, here.